Non-Executive, Independent Director

Dr. Ashok Kumar Nag holds was conferred with a Ph. D degree in 1986 from Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta after completion of his graduation and Post graduation in Statistics in First Division at both levels) from the same Institution.

Award Received Golden Jubilee Scholer of RBI and was visiting scholar at the Statistics Department of the North Carolina State University at Raleigh, North Carolina, USA between 1991-92.

Professional Experience, 1976-1980: research Fellow, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta.1981-1982: lecturer of Statistics in the department of Commerce and Business Management, University of Calcutta. 1982-1984: Research Associate at the Center for Development Studies at Trivandrum in the state of Kerala. 1984-2005: Joined the Reserve Bank of India and Worked in many areas in various capacities. I was in the rank of Chief General Manager when I went on lien from RBI in 2005. I took final VRS from RBI by the end of 2010.

Area of Research and Interest, Application of statistical methods in banking and financial area. National Income Accounting. Financial Econometrics. Forecasting. Information management and Data warehousing for the banking sector. Data Modelling. (More than 30 published papers. List of publications shared on request)

Study tours abroad, Information Warehouse of Australian Bureau of Statistics (August 1998). Data Management at Federal Reserve Board and at Bureau of Computing Services, IMF (March 1999). Information Management at Statistics Canada (August 2000).